Daily Weapon Gem for April 18, 2012

Hello all!

I apologize for not posting yesterday, but I didn’t receive yesterday’s gem. If you received a gem yesterday, let me know the details in the comments section. Also, we want to start getting some league action going here on Orbitars, so post your friend code in the forums if you nt people to play with. Anyway, today’s gem is:

Wolf Claws — Value 218
Ranged 1.5, Melee 1.5
Shot defense +2, Burning +3, In-peril attack boost +2

It can be converted for 11,500 hearts, and ground up into 112 hearts.

Have a wonderful day!

One thought on “Daily Weapon Gem for April 18, 2012

  1. I wish we would get some league action, only 5 people are on the forums and i usually don’t count one as he does not do anything I really hope it comes

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